
中国全土落下傘計画廈門編 1/4~エリート公務員 



licom : How are u doing? Where are u now?
xotic : I’m in Thailand.
licom : Cool! I have something that wanna ask u for help actually.
Wondering if u can reach me how to invest.Or any books for recommendation
xotic : I see.
licom : Need money to support my passion.Have been in edinburgh for a while for my master.
And I really enjoy it.Wanna do a career switch.But need more training.Transition is not easy.
xotic : [amazonjs asin=”140008198X” locale=”JP” title=”The Future for Investors”]
[amazonjs asin=”4822244571″ locale=”JP” title=”株式投資の未来~永続する会社が本当の利益をもたらす”]
licom : So need more planning
xotic : Above book is for single stock investment(Active).
licom : Cool! I will check them out.Need some crash course on stock 101.
Never bought a stock before in my life
xotic : [amazonjs asin=”0393352242″ locale=”JP” title=”A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing”]
[amazonjs asin=”4532356873″ locale=”JP” title=”ウォール街のランダム・ウォーカー〈原著第11版〉 ―株式投資の不滅の真理”]
this book is for index investment (Passive).
These 2 books are very good. Index investment is more easier for beginner.
licom : I just googled the terms (lol) passive seems to be longer term investment
xotic : Just Buy “SPY” in US market and Hold(Don’t Sell).
licom : Requires less time checking
xotic : Yes, right.
licom : What is spy?
xotic : SPY’s performance is linked to S&P500 index(US big 500 company).
How to buy: You should buy the same amount every month.
licom : Aha.Spy is the index.Got it.
xotic : same amount means not shares. for example 1,000 USD.it is very easy.
licom : Cool.What is the logic of buying same amount and same stock every month?
xotic : I’m professional inverstor. My investment is different. But it is very difficult to win “SPY” for me.
licom : Why?
xotic : Don’t need professional experience.
SPY Long Log-Chart
xotic : Can you see the chart of SPY?
or S&P500 index, we can get more longer chart.

S&P500 index continue to grow 50 years.
Yearly total return(including dividend) is 7%.
same as my performance.
licom : Yeah I see the chart
xotic : I trade single stocks and very complicated derivatives trading.
licom : Generally rising
xotic : You don’t need single stocks and derivatives.
licom : 7% is quite Safe.And stable return
xotic : Just Buy SPY and Hold. Maybe 5~7% return for 30 years.(コンプライアンスw断定的な言い方をしていません)
licom : Aha.
xotic : Of course 2007 to 2009 Index is down. 1600 to 800.But just continue to buy every month.(いい加減だな。実際は1600行ってないし、800どころか700以下の6XX代まで下がってる)
licom : I recall the Singapore maple tree reit gives about 6%
That is a real estate fund. How about Ipo?

xotic : Read first book.
licom : Thanks for the recommendation !
xotic : Jeremy said “IPO is not good for investor. “ I’m same opinion.
licom : Which is his rationale ? Just curious.
If u have a short answer.
If too long don’t bother
I can go read the book
xotic : Modern portfolio theory
Book name is…
Just a moment…(これ思い出すのに5分くらいかかってしまった。フィナンシャルエンジニアリングのリンクを張ろうとして、著者が「ジョン・ハル」?これデリバティブ理論だろと思いだし…)
Ah…this is Japanese book.(証券投資論を思い出す。これ日本の本だったのね。やっぱ、翻訳本はこういう時に使えるよな。「銃・病原菌・鉄」もさ、病原菌の英単語を知らなくても、「ジャレド・ダイアモンドの~、Gun disater and ironとか適当言えば読んだことある人には分かるだろ?)
You can find “Reference” bottom of Wikipedia.
Theory can not answer “Why IPO is not good”.(ここけっこういいセリフと思うけどダメ?)
We should learn from history.

licom : I realize I learnt this before. On diversification
xotic : hahaha. Yes. Theory is not actual market.
licom : But returned all to the teacher . Good refresher. Totally agree
Even when I learn the technique for counselling.
Actually I think what is effective
Is not really the technique
xotic : [amazonjs asin=”B07D3RRSLZ” locale=”JP” title=”Wall Street: A History (English Edition)”]
[amazonjs asin=”4894514125″ locale=”JP” title=”ウォール街の歴史”]
Wall street history is “fraud and myth” history.
This book explain old fraud.
New one is Flash boys
[amazonjs asin=”0393351599″ locale=”JP” title=”Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt”]
[amazonjs asin=”4163901418″ locale=”JP” title=”フラッシュ・ボーイズ 10億分の1秒の男たち”]
licom : U are keeping up with readings? With readings!(ちょっと嬉しい)
xotic : Because I’m writing what does say this book.
That’s why I can remember.
For example, (Sorry in Japanese),
This blog is written by me.
licom : Wow cool! U should write it in your Facebook
xotic : This page is about “Wall street History”. Above book.
licom : Investor + blogger /writer
xotic : blog is just hobby.
licom : Website is called civil war.That is interesting (えっ?中国でも南北戦争って書くの?って思ったら、アドレスにCivil-Warって書いてあったのね…)
xotic : You can read by English book.
licom : Thanks for the recommendation!I will read them up
xotic : No problem.
licom : Before my tons of readings come next semester
Social science requires u read a lot
But luckily the readings are very interesting
xotic : Good.
I will try next book…Avram Noam Chomsky.
[amazonjs asin=”4003369513″ locale=”JP” title=”統辞構造論 付『言語理論の論理構造』序論 (岩波文庫)”]
I will go Jogging. If you have some question , ask me any time.
licom : Okie
I am going for a jog as well
Have a nice day!
xotic : I forget to mention about real estate investment.
real estate is income gain. income gain means simple interest.
equity is capital gain. capital gain means composed interest.
real estate : 6% 30years Return = 6% * 30 years = 180% you will get.
same 6% equity 30years = exp(0.06 * 30years)-1 = exp(1.8)-1 : you will get roughly 500%.
my recommendation is equity. (not real estate).
licom : Aha true.But some real estate is in trust.
stock as well.Like property fund.But yeah if fixed real estate
Yes . The gain is worse than equity
Plus property estate the down payment is a lo t.Lot
xotic : Good.
licom : How was your jog?
xotic : 2, 3km jog.
licom : Good.
